
Explore trading opportunities in the world’s most traded financial market and get access to major, minor, and exotic CFD currency pairs.

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Trade Forex





Trade Forex





Trade Forex

What are Currency Pairs?

Currency pairs are financial instruments where one currency is quoted against another currency. The quote indicates the amount you would pay in one currency for the other.

Here's a simplified example:

The currency pair GBP/USD is at 1.15. You can exchange 1 GBP for 1.15 USD.

  • If GBP/USD started the day at 1.15, and by the end of the day rose to 1.16, it's because the Sterling has strengthened against the Dollar.
  • If GBP/USD started the day at 1.15, then drops 1.13, it's because the Sterling has weakened against the Dollar.
Forex Currency

Why Trade Forex CFDs with Elitespacemarket

  • Competitive spreads from 0.6 pips on EUR/USD
  • Powerful charting tools integral to the intuitive platform
  • You can trade Forex 24/5
  • Currency pairing CFDs enables trade at a fraction of the trade's total value
  • Trade on margin and go long or short
Why Trade Forex CFDs with